Stall Prices
Single Stall £30 (1 x Table)
Double Stall £45 (2 x Tables)
A Table is Approx. 6ft (some slightly smaller)
Cancellation Policy
If YOU cancel 7 days or less before fair - NO REFUND
8-10 days before fair - £10 admin fee charged
11-14 days before fair - £5 admin fee charged
15 days before the fair - full refund
See Full Cancellation Policy & Terms & Conditions of taking a stall HERE.
As from 6th June 2022 the selling/dealing of elephant ivory is banned in the UK
(with 5 exceptions) - see details here.
Any Stallholder trading in second hand goods should hold a Second Hand Dealer Licence
(this does not apply if you are selling your own belongings ie. house clearance,
downsizing etc) ,
Stallholders are responsible for being in possession of any other licence/s needed
to trade their wares.
All stallholders must hold public liability insurance - as per the Terms & Conditions.
Why do I need Public Liability Insurance? Click HERE
House clearance items are welcome.
Items to be sold MUST meet the criteria of the fair (antique, vintage, retro, curios,
collectors items - you get the drift!).
This is an antique, vintage and collectors fair and as such, NO new, car boot general household
items, trainers, drills,
bikes, etc.....if it's a car boot that you are looking for there is one on Sundays
at Blochairn, Glasgow or Ayr Racecourse!