Stallholder Set Up.
Car parking spaces are limited so please only use 1 per stall - we need to keep as many as possible free for customers.
Doors open at 9am for stallholder set up, one door near leisure centre entrance and one at the back (with ramp).
Give your name to the person on the door and they will tell you which row your stall is on, then just walk up the row and look for your name on a table.
2 people ONLY on the stall - we have limited numbers of people allowed in the hall at any one time.
There will be 2 passes on the tables, please wear these from the outset - these will get you back into the fair if you go out.
Please put table coverings on the tables.
Please dispose of any rubbish in a bin or take it home.
If you need any further information please text, message or call us.​